The DT400H Databus Analyzer is a lightweight handheld ARINC 429 databus analyzer that provides the same features as the full-sized DT400. This device provides breakpoint troubleshooting mode, 16-label recorder, 128-label transmitter, RS-232C port, D/A conversion, and a Williamsburg protocol analyzer. The LCD backlit display is sunlight readable and can operate for over six hours on battery power. The large 16-line display provides two main advantages: Bite messages and the ability to simultaneously display multiple labels. The screen accommodates the ARINC 604 normal or inactive mode formats and 350-label maintenance information can be read using a pre-stored database for 700-series equipment. In addition, the user can record up to 240 screes for later download to a PC or printer. BITE mode supports systems on the 737-300, 747-400, MD-11, and A320/330/340. Data from two buses can be displayed in nine formats (hex, binary, ASCII, engineering units, user programmed, etc). Database conforms to 429-15 and includes Boeing labels for AVM, EIS, EICAS, FSEU, and FQIS.
3.5 lb (1.6 kg)
6.3 x 9.75 x 2 in (16 x 24.75 x 5 cm)
Bus Frequency:
12 kHz – 14.5 kHz or 100 kHz (selectable)
Input Levels:
6.5 VDC to 13.5 VDC (A to B)
Input Impedance:
Word Update:
1 ms to 19 sec. update rate displayed as instantaneous, min. or max. value
Display Format:
Engineering units with pre-stored scaling based on equipment IDs, hexadecimal (full or data field), binary (full or data field), user-defined, graphic plots, or ASCII character
Maximum Words:
128 per channel
Transmit Word Gap:
4 bits
Dynamic Transmit:
Repeat patterns of ramps and flat segments; levels programmable between + full scale and segment times or 0 to 999.999 sec.
Label Sequence:
A, B, A or B, A then B, B then A
Data Conditions:
EQ, NEQ, OR, GT, LT, /GT/, /LT/
Event Count:
1 to 99 before break
Up to 24,540 words in a programmable window about the breakpoint; selectable time stamp
Trigger Pulse:
5V, 0.02 ms
up to 16 selectable labels
Sample Interval:
1 ms to 10 sec. (selectable)
Record Capacity:
120 kbytes (e.g. 85 hours of single label at 1/sec)
Playback Options:
graphic plots, data lists, DAC, RS-232C Bite Operation
BITE Formats:
Compatible with distributed and centralized BITE concept used on 747-400, 737-300, MD-11, A320, A330, and A340 aircraft
Menu Display:
Standard 14-line x 24-character menu with selectable menu choices
select NULL, DC1, DC2, or DC4 command outputs to simulate various flight phases
Maintenance Words:
displays 350/351 label maintenance bits; bit status along with pre-stored text presented
Recording Feature:
save up to 240 BITE screens for later viewing or downloading
ARINC 429-15; Boing labels for AVM, EIS, FSEU, EICAS, and FQIS
Power Requirements:
110 or 220 VAC, 50 - 400 Hz AC Adapter, internal NiCad
Lightweight handheld unit
16-line, backlit display
User friendly operation with BITE Mode that ensures that messaging such as setup menus and help screens all display on the single screen; BITE mode supports systems on the 737-300, 747-400, MD-11, and A320/330/340
Record up to 240 screens for later download to PC/printer
Displays multiple labels simultaneously
Fully compatible with all other DATATRAC test equipment and PC-based support programs
Database conforms to 429-15 and includes Boeing labels for AVM, EIS, EICAS, FSEU, and FQIS