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For Sale Information
Type: For Sale
Title: push back towing tractor
Categories: Consumables
Name: towing tractor
Quantity: 0
Aircraft Type:
Date: 3/11/2016
Description: The ZT150QY series aircraft, using European latest technology, is designed to push and pull all known narrow body and to certain extend medium body aircrafts. The maximum draw bar pull for this series is up to 121KN and the minimum is 72KN. The aircraft includes B717, B727, B737, B757, B767-200, A318, A319, A320, A321, A300, A310 or any aircraft below 300,000kg. Its ergonomic design provides agility, visibility, durable and reliable tractor. If you want to get more details,contact us.
Contact Info:
Company: shanghai waycan Industrial cO.,ltd
Address: Xuhui District,Shanghai,China shanghai shanghai china
Contact: may,chou
Phone: 0086-21-34693591
Email: may@waycan.cn
Website: www.waycan.cn
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