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Buyer Service

As an open innovation platform, Airparts.cn provides buyers with free and convenient services.  Buyers can easily get access to the product information that they require via the following two approaches.

1. Search by part number and product name
You can search by entering either part number or name of the product you need,  and relevant product information will be displayed in the list.  For the registered users, you can further click on manufacturer or distributors to view their contact details.

2: publish wanted product information
If the product information needed can not be found in the search results, or additional information is required, you can also post wanted product information on the website
You can post your needs by either logging into My Account, or click Buy on the product information page.  Once your post is approved, it will be displayed on our webpage in accordance with the order of time.

In addition to the above-mentioned features, you can publish equipment wanted and equipment rental information as well.

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