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Parts Wanted Information
Type: Parts Wanted
Title: Mr. Vadim Demin
P/N: 4B25Q6022
Categories: Consumables
Quantity: 4
Condition: refurbished
Aircraft Type: 747-400
Date: 5/17/2017
Description: 4B25Q6022, EMERGENCY KIT, 1, SV - Refurbished ones must be with EASA Form 1 - New ones could be with neither FAA 8130-3 or FAA 8130-3.
Contact Info:
Company: Sky Gates Airlines
Address: Leningradsky Prospect, 39, bld. 14 Moscow Moscow Russia
Contact: Vadim Demin
Phone: +7 495 909 10 20
Fax: none
Email: vadim.demin@skygates.aero
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