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For Sale Information
Type: For Sale
Title: Q4559X
P/N: Q4559X
Categories: Consumables
Name: The plane landing lamps
Quantity: 10000
Condition: imported with original packaging
Aircraft Type: 737、738、A320、A330...
Date: 8/6/2012
Description: Type: Q4559X Name: PAR64 Voltage: 28 V Power: 600 W Explanation: 1, AMGLO plane PAR64 bulb is global through the NASA FAA-PMA authentication of the two between a brand, another is the GE 2, big reflection cup, the highlights is strong, the brightness, strong penetration, make the plane in the landing, have enough light security 3, filling in gas protection, vacuum technology, make the light bulb in service life is longer 4, cheaper, relatively the same kind of light bulb American GE, the quality of the same premise, unit price relative to much lower
Contact Info:
Company: Amglo Kemlite Laboratories
Address: Xikeng Community, Guanlan,Shenzhen SHENZHEN GUANGDONG CHINA
Contact: David Ma
Phone: 0086-755-28022000-223
Fax: 0086-755-28025000
Email: davidma@firstechlighting.com
Website: http://amggy.b2b.hc360.com
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