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Type: Repair
Company Name: Aventure Aviation
Contact Information:
Address: 108 International Dr, Peachtree City, GA 30269 Peachtree city Georgia USA
Contact: AMY WANG
Phone: +17735400850
Fax: +17706327931
Email: amy@aventureaviation.com
Website: http://www.aventureaviation.com
company introduction:

Aventure Aviation is a leading aftermarket aviation parts supplier dedicated to providing unique, reliable solutions that exceed the demands of the market and the expectations of our customers.

We provide parts and component repair management for commercial airlines, regional operators, military air forces, and MRO facilities worldwide.

Our company is known for maintaining the highest standards in our quality control procedures, meeting and exceeding both the Aviation Suppliers Association ASA100 and FAA Advisory Circular 00-56A standards.

Headquartered in close proximity to the world’s busiest airport in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, we maintain offices in the United States, Canada, Europe and Turkey.

Aventure's commercial business offers customers access to a significant inventory, as well as expert component maintenance, repair and overhaul management services. We also acquire end-of-life aircraft for dismantling, offering consignment sales and surplus inventory solutions.

Our military division offers parts for military aircraft, ranging from the venerable C-130 cargo transport to the F-16 multirole jet fighter. We stock T-56 engines, and offer 24/7 support for AOG/MICAP.

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