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ComAv Asset Management is fully certified global airframe and powerplant support provider. Working with both end-user and MRO customers, ComAv Asset Management specializes in placing consignment inventory assets into programs supporting airlines operating the full  range of Airbus and Boeing aircraft globally. We have the in-house expertise to provide inventory and asset evaluation, market intelligence, and solutions designed to maximize value. Aircraft types currently supported are Airbus A300, A310, A320 and Boeing 727, 737-200 through -700, B747-200 through -400, B757, B767, and B777.
ComAv Asset Management also manages the AOG Support Desk. Our AOG program is very unique by having the ability to support our customer’s requirement from either stock or from aircraft in the end-of-life storage or disassembly program. This program is an example of the integrate solutions capability of ComAv.
The company also boasts one of the largest powerplant management pools in the world, with over 300 engines under management, covering the full range of GE CFM56-3C1, CFM56-5B series, P&W JT8D, JT9D, PW2000, and PW4000 series, and RR RB211-524 and -535 series engines. Whether it be a leasing, sales, or management solution, ComAv designs creative solutions for our customers.
ComAv also has the in-house capability and expertise to offer technical solutions on the engine assets, including boroscope, MPA runs and short or long-term preservation.
The 300,000 square feet of warehouse space, a strong network of end-user and MRO customers, and close proximity to LAX for 24/7 global logistics support makes the ComAv Asset Management facility an ideal surplus inventory or end-of-life solution to maximize asset value

Jiefei Li   
Account Executive
Pacific Aviation Group (Under ComAV)
Office   1-760-523-5060 ext 120
Mobile 1-760-559-6614
Address -18499 Phantom West,  Building 17, Victorville, CA 92394

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